
N-Power Brief History - FG Empowerment Initiative Programme

Npower Brief History – A federal government initiative programme propounded by the Buhari’s administration to empower youths, employed and unemployed with the view of eradicating unemployment in the country.

N-Power Brief History - FG Empowerment Initiative Programme

Npower Brief History – Npower Nigeria has provided an opportunity for Skills and knowledge which are the driving forces of economic growth and social development. Despite the current high level of unemployment, harnessing Nigeria’s young demography through appropriate skill development efforts provides an opportunity to achieve inclusion and productivity within the country. Large-scale skill development is the main policy thrust of the N-Power Programme.Npower Brief History

Npower is also linked to the Federal Government’s policies in the economic, employment and social development arenas. N-Power addresses the challenge of youth unemployment by providing a structure for large scale and relevant work skills acquisition and development while linking its core and outcomes to fixing inadequate public services and stimulating the larger economy.

The modular programmes under N-Power will ensure that each participant will learn and practice most of what is necessary to find or create work. The N-Power Volunteer Corp involves a massive deployment of 500,000 trained graduates who will assist to improve the inadequacies in our public services in education, health and civic education. Some of these graduates will also help in actualising Nigeria’s economic and strategic aspirations of achieving food security and self-sufficiency. Npower Brief History, guidelines and procedure is highlighted below

Npower Programme Categories
  1. N-Power Agro
  2. N-Power Tax
  3. N-Power Build
  4. N-Power Creative
  5. N-Power Health
  6. N-Power Teach
  7. N-Power Tech Hardware
  8. N-Power Tech Software

With the Npower Brief History it will also be a platform for diversifying the economy. N-Power is preparing young Nigerians for a knowledge economy where, equipped with world-class skills and certification, they become innovators and movers in the domestic and global markets. Nigeria will have a pool of software developers, hardware service professionals, animators, graphic artists, building services professionals, artisans and others. N-Power also focuses on providing our non-graduates with relevant technical and business skills that enhance their work outlook and livelihood.

Requirement to Apply For Npower Prpgramme
N-Power aspires to provide a platform where most Nigerians can access skills acquisition and development. At this time however, the initial modular programmes in N-Power are designed for Nigerian citizens between the ages of 18 and 35. You will need to meet the minimum requirements (if any) for your respective programme. Generally, selection is based:

On your expression of a genuine interest in whichever area you decide;
  • Passing the relevant tests;
  • Your willingness to push yourself beyond your comfort zone; and
  • Ability to show a flair to develop all the skills you need to be the best you can be.

Meanwhile, Npower just Marked it one year of service excellence with over 200,000 beneficiaries.

Note that while there are fixed requirements along the way, Npower will be relying on you to take ownership of the process and take the lead in shaping your route, by making the most of the training that you will receive.

For the purposes of N-Power, Graduate means any post-tertiary qualification including an Ordinary National Diploma (OND) or Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE) or as may be specified by the programme.

The Npower Brief History can not be over emphasize, we must say the Federal government has done well through this programme.

Below are The major highlighted progrmmes

About N-Power Volunteer Corps
The N-Power Volunteer Corps is the post-tertiary engagement initiative for Nigerians between 18 and 35. It is a paid volunteering programme of a 2-year duration. The graduates will undertake their primary tasks in identified public services within their proximate communities.

All N-Power Volunteers are entitled to computing devices that will contain information necessary for their specific engagement, as well as information for their continuous training and development.

In 2016, the Federal Government engaged 200,000 N-Power Volunteers. In 2017, the Federal Government is enlisting 300,000 more. The June 2017 Application is only open to the Graduate Category- the N-Power Volunteer Corps.

N-Power volunteers will provide teaching, instructional, and advisory solutions in 4 key areas

About N-Power Knowledge
The N-Power Knowledge programme is the Federal Government’s first step towards diversifying to a knowledge economy. This programme will work alongside the planned eight innovation hubs across the country to provide incubation and acceleration of the technology and creative industries. The programme is a ‘Training to Jobs’ initiative, essentially ensuring that participants can get engaged in the marketplace in an outsourcing capacity, as freelancers, as employees and as entrepreneurs.

About N-Power Build
N-Power Build is an accelerated training and certification (Skills to Job) programme that will engage and train 75,000 young unemployed Nigerians in order to build a new crop of skilled and highly competent workforce of technicians, artisans and service professionals

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