
2017 Rewarded Essays Writing Contest

Rewarded Essays Writing Contest- Topics.
Choose one of the following prompts for your essay.
  • What life skills can students master while in college? Which three are the most important and why?
  • What do you see as the most pressing social issue we face? Why is it the most pressing?
  • Who inspires you? Why?
  • Provide three life goals you believe will be more achievable by obtaining your college degree.
Rewarded Essays Writing Contest

Eligibility & Evaluation Criteria.
The contest is open to all high school students from anywhere in the world.

Evaluation Criteria
  • So that you are have a clear idea of what the judges are looking for, here are some additional criteria to keep in mind.
  • Obviously, plagiarism will automatically dis-qualify any entry. Essays will be scanned for plagiarism, so be careful. If you supply quotes from anywhere or anyone, be certain that you cite them properly.
  • Judges are looking for a creative approach to the essay prompts. Do some serious brainstorming and pre-planning before you write.
  • Be certain that, when you select an essay prompt, you clearly understand it and stick to the topic.
  • If you include images, be certain that you have the authority to use them.
  • Absolutely no grammatical or mechanical errors should appear in your essay. Student should take the time to review and edit many times, so that their essays are fully polished.

First, you will receive money toward your future education.
Second, you will be entering a chance to win cash prizes

First Place: $500

Second Place: $350

Third Place: $150

How to Apply
  • Where to Submit: Send your entry to support@rewardedessays.com, with the subject line, “Essay Contest.”
  • Be certain that your contact information (name, email address, and phone) are provided on a separate page.
  • Language: Essays must be written in English
  • Length: Essays should be 700-900 words
  • Format: .doc, .rtf, .docx, or .odt files
  • Judges: A panel of our editors and writers

Application Deadline:
October 20, 2017

AcademicsNG Team.
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